Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Hark! For I have finally spied a datura meteloides, the plant about which I had been talking on Sunday's post. It was the subsequent Monday that I spied it. The datura was growing on a roadside embankment and creek bed near the confluence of Mt. Acadia Road and the private driveway leading to the Tecolote Canyon golf course in the Clairemont/Bay Park/Linda Vista neighborhood of San Diego. I was out doing GPS mapping for my internship with the Parks and Recreation Department and performed a classic double-take upon my spying it. "Eureka!" I exclaimed, and leaned in for an introductory whiff of the plant I have been hoping to stumble upon for years now. The flower's fragrance, unfortunately, was not the rotten and foul one I had been led to believe it posessed but instead was devoid of any scent characteristics at all.

That is, besides the sweet smell of victory, for I have finally spied the datura stramonium in its natural habitat. Trip report detailing the mystical psychoactive journey I embarked upon after injesting its roots forthcoming.

it's finals week and that's my excuse for not posting as frequently as usual. What's that? You hadn't even noticed? I'm making a big deal out of nothing? Yes, you're probably right. Finals week always makes me so paranoid.


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